Lake Smit and Partners, Durban
A middle-aged woman presented with acute-on-chronic right knee pain. Fig. 1 is a plain radiograph of the right knee 3 weeks before admission. Fig. 2 is a plain radiograph of the right knee on admission. Fig. 3 is a sagittal proton density (PD) fat-saturated image of the right knee. Fig. 4 is a coronal T2-weighted fat-saturated image of the right knee. Fig. 5 is an axial PD fat-saturated image of the right knee. Fig. 6 is a coronal PD fat-saturated image of the right knee.
Describe the relevant findings and provide the most appropriate clinical diagnosis. Please submit your response to Dr Misser at [email protected] not later than 1 April 2012. The winning respondent will receive a R1 000 award from the RSSA. A detailed diagnosis and discussion will be presented in the next issue of the SAJR.
Fig. 2.
Fig. 6.