Call for Papers: EBLIP10,
15-19 June, University of Strathclyde, Scotland, UK
2018. This is an Open Access article
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DOI: 10.18438/eblip29504
Conference Theme:
"Using evidence in times of uncertainty"
The use of evidence is
becoming more and more important as a routine part of library planning and
decision making. Whilst in an era of library de-funding, calls for
accountability, fake news, and complex information environments, evidence is
becoming an essential component of advocacy.
This inclusive conference
theme will encourage practitioners and researchers to think about what evidence
is, how we collect it, and how we use it in these uncertain times.
The conference aims to offer a stimulating and varied
programme of workshops, presentations, posters and discussions designed to
appeal to library and information professionals convinced about using
evidence-based approaches as well as those who may have previously thought that
evidence-based practice (or attending an EBLIP conference) wasn’t for them.
Pre-conference workshops covering a range of topics relating to research,
evaluation and evidence based practice will be held on 15-16 June 2019. The
main conference will take place 17-19 June 2019.
The conference will provide a practical and accessible
forum for librarians and information practitioners from all sectors to
discover, use and disseminate evidence that may contribute to decision-making
and advocacy in today’s professional practice. This includes (but is not
inclusive to) those who:
EBLIP conferences tend to be relatively small and
particularly friendly places offering a stimulating environment for librarians
across sectors to meet and share ideas. We welcome librarians attending an
EBLIP conference for the first time and have provided a lively social programme
to complement the academic content.
Proposal submissions:
Submissions are invited in the form of 1) papers (for
an oral presentation - 20 minutes) or 2) posters. For papers and posters,
abstracts of no more than 350 words
should be submitted using a structured abstract form (Title, Aim, Methods,
Results, Discussion/Conclusion).
Submissions should address an area related to the
conference theme – “Using evidence in times of uncertainty.” All submissions
will be subject to double blind peer review by members of the International
Programme Committee. All submissions must be via the Easychair conference
management system at
Following the conference, authors are encouraged to
submit their papers to practitioner focussed open access journals. Following
each EBLIP conference, the EBLIP
journal invites authors to contribute to a special feature. See
for the feature from EBLIP9.
Key Dates:
For further information, please consult the conference
website –
To submit an abstract access:
If you already have an
EasyChair account, login. Alternatively,
you can create an account.
For programme queries,
please contact the International Programme Chair, Alison Brettle – [email protected]
Please follow us on
Twitter @ConfEblip and post using #EBLIP10.