EBL 101
Research Methods: Action Research
Centre for Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (C-EBLIP)
of Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan, Canada
[email protected]
Received: 31 Oct. 2013 Accepted: 15 Nov. 2013
2013 Wilson. This is an Open Access article
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Action research, also known as participatory
action research, is a type of enquiry that emerged from the field of Education
and is primarily used by teachers. Various other disciplines also use action
research, such as public health and nursing (Hannigan, 2008). However, any
practitioner in a social practice who conducts research could find action
research a useful tool. Action research is undertaken at the local level and
often involves the participation of those who might otherwise be considered
subjects of the research. It’s a practical type of research designed to inform
local issues of a practical nature. So, the teachers are looking at questions
from their classrooms and librarians as researchers are looking at issues
arising from their library. Action research’s focal point is a problem to be
solved and it is undertaken by practitioners.
A definition of action research: “Action research is the study of a social
situation carried out by those involved in that situation in order to improve
both their practice and the quality of their understanding” (Munn-Giddings
& Winter, 2002, p. 8). The notion of “social situation” here is a broad
one, and while it may suggest mingling at a cocktail party, it should be taken
to mean that any social interaction that a practitioner or a practitioner’s
organization has with people (users, clients, students, patients, etc.) is a candidate
for action research.
Action research is a process that helps
practitioners develop a better understanding about the particulars of a
specific practice-based situation. It has a personal and a social aim: there is
ideally improvement in the practitioner’s learning and an improvement in the
situation that is being investigated. These two aims are interdependent.
(McNiff, Lomax, & Whitehead, 2003).
In terms of the steps one takes for an action
research project, there are a variety of ways in which the process is
described. Some say there are three steps although each of those steps has
several sub-steps. Sometimes the steps are referred to as phases with a variety
of numbers there. I’m going to list five basic steps in action research with
the caveat that this process is an iterative, cyclical, and reflexive process
rather than a linear one.
Action Research Steps
Critics of action research are bothered by the
notion that the process involves the local level and input from stakeholders,
claiming that these are case studies, or the “how I done it good in my library”
study, and are most likely not generalizable to other situations or
institutions (Beck & Manuel, 2008, p. 196). Beck and Manuel (2008) state
that “while not claiming that its results are completely representative or
generalizable, action research does include a number of methodological steps to
ensure that it is rigorous in obtaining its results, and these steps help to
ensure that results are at least somewhat representative or generalizable” (p.
196). As with any other methodology, care should be taken to ensure that it is
the best methodology to deal with a particular research question.
Action research has emerged in the library
literature around the topic of information literacy and elsewhere. Here are
some examples.
Greenan, E. (2002). Walking the talk: A collaborative collection
development project. School Libraries in Canada, 21(4), 12-14.
Kendall, M. (2005). Tackling student referencing errors through an
online tutorial. Aslib Proceedings,
57(2), 131-145.
Rious, K. (2013). Teaching social justice in an information literacy
course: An action research case study. Catholic Library World, 83(3), 191-195.
Vezzosi, M. (2006). Information literacy and action research: An
overview and some reflections. New Library World, 107(7-8), 286-301.
Wilson, T.D. (2000). Recent trends in user studies: action research
and qualitative methods. Information
Research 5(3). Retrieved 31 Oct. 2013 from http://informationr.net/ir/5-3/paper76.html
There are lots of books and articles available
that describe the process of action research from various perspectives and in
varying levels of detail. Here are some examples:
Chevalier, J.M. & Buckles, D.J. (2013). Participatory action
research: Theory and methods for engaged inquiry. New York : Routledge.
Cook, D. & Farmer, L. (Eds.). (2011). Using qualitative methods
in action research: How librarians can get to the why of data. Chicago, IL:
Association of College and Research Libraries.
Howard, J.K. & Eckhardt, S.A. (2005). Action research: A guide
for library media specialists. Worthington, OH: Linworth.
McNiff, J. & Whitehead, J.
(2011). All you need to know about action research (2nd ed). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
Mills, G.E. (2014). Action research: A guide for the teacher
researcher (5th ed). Boston
: Pearson.
Pavlish, C.P. & Pharris, M.D. (2012). Community-based
collaborative action research: A nursing approach. Sudbury, MA : Jones
& Bartlett Learning.
For a research topic with very practical,
practice-based origins, action research may be the best way to explore it and
obtain useful, reflective answers.
Beck, S.E. & Mauel, K. (2008) Practical research methods for
librarians and information professionals. New York: Neal-Schuman.
Hannigan, G.G. (2008). Action research: Methods that make sense. Medical
Reference Services Quarterly 16(1), 53-58. doi: 10.1300/J115v16n01_06
McNiff, J., Lomax, P., & Whitehead, J. (2003). You and Your
Action Research Project. Taylor & Francis. Retrieved 31 Oct. 2013 from
Winter, R. & Munn-Giddings, C. (2002). A Handbook for Action
Research in Health and Social Care. Routledge. Retrieved 31 Oct. 2013 from
Teachers’ PD INC. (2012-13). Action research model. Retrieved 31 Oct.
2013 from http://www.csuchico.edu/teachergrants/actionresearch/ar_model.shtml