Evidence Summary
Librarians Are
Attracted to Blogs That Support Professional Continuing Education
A Review of:
G.M. (2013). Content analysis study of librarian blogs: Professional
development and other uses. First Monday, 18(2). Retrieved 4 Sept. 2013 from http://dx.doi.org/10.5210%2Ffm.v18i2.4343
Reviewed by:
Newton Miller
Assessment Librarian
University Library
Ontario, Canada
[email protected]
Received: 27
May 2013 Accepted:
2 Aug. 2013
2013 Newton
Miller. This is an Open Access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons‐Attribution‐Noncommercial‐Share Alike License 2.5 Canada (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by‐nc‐sa/2.5/ca/),
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial
purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the
same or similar license to this one.
Objective – The
purpose of the study was to examine how librarian blogs are being used for
communication within the profession.
Design – The method used was content
analysis and unstructured interviews.
Setting - The researcher is based out of a
state university in the United States of America.
Subjects - Content
of and communication within 12 librarian blogs were analyzed. Seven of the 12
bloggers were interviewed.
Methodology – There
were 15 blogs identified in a list by Quinn (2009) and reduced to the 12 best
suited for the study. Over a 24-month period (January 2009-December 2010),
random samples of posts with 2 or more comments were selected for each month
from the 12 blogs and analyzed. All comments related to these selected posts
were also analyzed. The researcher categorized the blogs overall, plus
individual posts, into one of four predominant genres (social, professional
development, political, and research). Content was coded based on previous
coding methodology for blog content found in the research literature. Requests
for interviews were sent to all 12 bloggers with 7 agreeing to be interviewed.
Preliminary results of the content analysis for his/her own blog were shared
with each blogger before the interview took place. Inter-coder reliability was
pretested and found to be 83.33%.
Main Results - Two
hundred eighty-eight posts randomly chosen received 1936 reader comments.
Bloggers responded to these comments 254 times. Blogs were categorized under
the “social” genre most frequently (53%), followed by “professional
development” (31%), “political” (14%), and “research” (2%; percentages were
rounded to the nearest whole number by the reviewer). Professional development
was the lead genre in two of the individual blogs. All seven bloggers
interviewed stated that professional development is a large focus of their
blogs. Reasons for blogging ranged from the importance of sharing information,
contextualizing information, and (for some) satisfying personal ambition. There
was a common personal enjoyment of writing and all planned to continue blogging
despite increasing time constraints.
Conclusion -
Professional development is a major focus of content in librarian blogs. Blog
posts and comments stay on topic throughout exchanges between bloggers and
media is a vast and ever-evolving entity. Many librarians use tools like blogs
and Twitter to keep up to date on issues that affect the profession. This paper
is the latest regarding the use of blogs in academia. Although others have
written about library/librarian-specific blogs (see citations below), this
paper categorizes blog content and reader comments into specific genres.
Using the
EBL Critical Appraisal Checklist (Glynn, 2006), the reviewer found the content
analysis and interviews appropriate choices for data collection. One can
appreciate the difficulty of narrowing down a list of blogs from the many
available on the web. However, in narrowing the list available for content
analysis to a list from another paper about librarian blogs (Quinn, 2009), the
strengths of the paper are put into question.
The author
used a selected list of 12 blogs from an article entitled “Learning with Blogs”
(Quinn, 2009). First, this is a very small number in light of so many
individual librarian blogs available. However, what’s more troubling is that
the basis of the list from “Learning with Blogs” is that they are included
because of their value as continuing education tools. The researcher concludes
that professional development is the major focus for librarian blogs, but her source
is a list of blogs valued for their professional development focus. The paper
would have been much stronger had she used a variety of sources to form a list
of blogs for content analysis (e.g., Aharony, 2009).
Albeit an older paper with focus on organizational and individual blogs, Bar-Ilan (2007) goes into great detail regarding how blogs were
chosen for content analysis.
Bar-Ilan (2007) was not mentioned in the researcher’s
citations. Nor were others of relevance, and this also limits the paper’s
effectiveness. The researcher states that “genres used in the content analysis
[were] . . . based on professional and scholarly literature” (Research Design
section, para. 6) and that coding was “derived from
previous conceptual constructs of blog content from professionals and academics
that [were] found in previous research and published literature” (Research
Design section, para. 9). A list of that literature
would have made for a stronger paper.
It is
interesting that the research genre had the smallest content area in librarian
blogs. Is this a reflection of the state of librarian research publishing in
general? Or is it more reflective of the fact that librarians are reserving
their writing for more peer-reviewed/scholarly outlets? Although there are
benefits to blogging (e.g., collaboration, networking), there is also a
hesitancy to use one’s time writing in a self-publishing venue that may not
“count” in terms of tenure or promotion.
The time
period studied, January 2009-December 2010, is a long time ago in terms of
social media, and time is always a constraint in social media research. As
mentioned by one interviewee, people’s attention is moving more toward Twitter.
This reviewer can tell by her RSS feed reader results that many blogs that were
once active a few years ago have either discontinued completely or now post
significantly less content. The researcher is to be commended for trying to
pinpoint categories in the moving target of social media. Although there are
issues with this research paper, it does contribute to the knowledge base
regarding genre theory, social media, and its use for librarians as a
professional development tool. A selection of recommended further readings on
this topic is listed below.
Aharony, N.
(2009). Librarians and information scientists in the blogosphere: An
exploratory analysis. Library &
Information Science Research, 31(3), 174-181. Retrieved 4 Sept. 2013 from http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lisr.2009.02.001
J. (2007). The use of Weblogs (blogs) by librarians and
libraries to disseminate information. Information Research, 12(4).
1-24. Retrieved 4 Sept. 2013 from http://informationr.net/ir/12-4/paper323.html
Glynn, L. (2006). A critical appraisal tool for library and information research.
Library Hi Tech, 24(3), 387-399. doi:10.1108/07378830610692154
Quinn, M.E. (2009). Learning with
blogs: Selected blogs that will enlighten and inform every library
professional. American Libraries, 40(8-9),
Stephens, M. (2008). The pragmatic biblioblogger: Examining the motivations and observations of early adopter librarian bloggers. Internet References Services Quarterly, 13(4), 311-345. doi:10.1080/10875300802326475