Conference Paper
Building Scorecards in Academic Research Libraries:
Performance Measurement and Organizational Issues
University Librarian
Ontario, Canada
[email protected]
Steve Hiller
Director of Assessment and
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington, United
States of America
Email: [email protected]
Elizabeth Mengel
Associate Director,
Scholarly Resources and Special Collections
The Sheridan Libraries
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, Maryland, United
States of America
Email: [email protected]
Donna Tolson
Director of Strategic Assessment
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia,
United States of America
Email: [email protected]
2013 Lewis, Hiller, Mengel, and Tolson.
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Objective – This paper describes the experiences of four
prominent North American research libraries as they implemented Balanced
Scorecards as part of a one-year initiative facilitated by the Association of
Research Libraries (ARL). The Balanced Scorecard is a widely accepted
organizational performance model that ties strategy to performance in four
areas: finance, learning and growth, customers, and internal processes.
– Four
universities participated in the initiative: Johns Hopkins University, McMaster
University, the University of Virginia, and the University of Washington. Each
university sent a small group of librarians to develop their Scorecard
initiatives and identified a lead member. The four teams met with a consultant
and the ARL lead twice for face-to-face training in using the Scorecard.
Participants came together during monthly phone calls to review progress and
discuss next steps. Additional face-to-face meetings were held throughout the
year in conjunction with major library conferences.
– The
process of developing the Scorecards included the following steps: defining a
purpose statement, identifying strategic objectives, creating a strategy map,
identifying measures, selecting appropriate measures, and setting targets. Many
commonalities were evident in the four libraries’ slates of strategic
objectives. There were also many commonalities among measures, although the
number chosen by each institution varied significantly, from 26 to 48.
The yearlong ARL initiative met its initial
objectives. The four local implementations are still a work in progress, but
the leads are fully trained and infrastructure is in place. Data is being
collected, and the leadership teams are starting to see their first
deliverables from the process. The high level of commonality between measures
proposed at the four sites suggests that a standardized slate of measures is
A strategy without
measures is just a wish and measures that are not aligned with strategy are a
waste of time. (Matthews, 2008)
The Balanced Scorecard
is a widely accepted organizational performance model that ties strategy to
performance in four critical areas: finance, learning and growth, customers,
and internal processes. While originally designed for the for-profit sector,
the Scorecard has been adopted by non-profit and government organizations,
including some libraries. This paper focuses on the experiences of four
prominent North American research libraries (Johns Hopkins University, McMaster
University, the University of Virginia and the University of Washington) as
they developed and implemented scorecards as part of a one-year initiative
facilitated by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL).
This paper is divided
into four major sections: an introduction to the Balanced Scorecard and its key
components; an overview of the ARL initiative and the process used to develop
scorecards at each library; an exploration of the concept of a standardized
suite of measures for ARL libraries based on a commonality of key objectives;
and a review of organizational challenges faced by the pilot sites during their
implementations. The authors hope that the lessons learned and strategies
employed at their institutions will assist other academic libraries choosing to
implement the Balanced Scorecard.
What is the Balanced Scorecard?
The Balanced Scorecard
was developed by Harvard Business School professors Robert S. Kaplan and David
P. Norton in the early 1990’s as a reaction to the industrial age emphasis on
financial measures as the sole indicator of success. In their groundbreaking
book, The Balanced Scorecard: Translating
Strategy into Action, Kaplan and Norton argue that the economic realities
of the information age require a more well-rounded set of measures to evaluate
and drive an organization’s performance:
“The Balanced Scorecard is a new framework for
integrating measures derived from strategy. While retaining financial measures
of past performance, the Balanced Scorecard introduces the drivers of future
financial performance. The drivers, encompassing customer, internal business
process, and learning and growth perspectives, are derived from an explicit and
rigorous translation of the organization’s strategy into tangible objectives
and measures.” (Kaplan & Norton, 1996, p. 18)
The Balanced Scorecard
model is premised on strong and very direct linkages between key planning
elements. Each measure is directly aligned to one or more strategic objectives.
Success in meeting targets is a clear indication that the organization is moving
its mission forward. Linkages between measures (both within and across the four
perspectives) help ensure that the organization maintains a truly “balanced”
approach. In the same way, strategic initiatives are directly linked to the
measures: only projects that improve an organization’s success in meeting its
targets are eligible for linkage to the scorecard (Kaplan and Norton, 1992).
Who uses the Balanced
While originally
designed for the commercial sector, non-profit organizations have also been
attracted to the model. Kaplan and Norton (1996) note that, “while the initial
focus and application of the Balanced Scorecard has been in the for-profit
(private) sector, the opportunity for the scorecard to improve the management
of governmental and not-for-profit enterprises is, if anything, even greater”
(p. 179). The Balanced Scorecard was first recommended for adoption by U.S.
federal government procurement agencies during the Clinton administration. The
City of Charlotte, North Carolina, and the United Way of Southeastern New
England were also early adopters (Kaplan & Norton, 2001).
As the concept has
matured, the pool of non-profit organizations exploring the use of the Balanced
Scorecard has grown along with specialized expertise in the use of the model in
specific settings. Ascendant Strategy Management Group, the consulting firm
used for the pilot, has helped government and non-profit organizations like the
U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission, the Atlanta Public Schools, and the Catholic Charities Archdiocese
of Boston apply the Scoreboard to achieve change. Many of these organizations have had to quickly adapt to
game-changing events such as 9/11 or the recent mortgage meltdown, and have
turned to the Balanced Scorecard to promote successful organizational change.
Although the total
number of libraries adopting the Balanced Scorecard is unknown, it is likely
still only a few handfuls worldwide. In Scorecards
for Results: A Guide For Developing a Library Balanced Scorecard (Matthews,
2008), examples of libraries with experience using the Balanced Scorecard
include the Singapore Public Library and the University of Virginia
Library. Aside from Virginia, which
developed their scorecard in 2001 (Self, 2003), only a small number of academic
libraries are known to have adopted this approach.
Libraries, Measures,
and the Balanced Scorecard
While relatively few
have adopted the Balanced Scorecard, libraries have a long tradition of
collecting statistical and other measures related to organizational
performance. For the most part, libraries collect input measures, the amounts of resources invested or put into the
development and delivery of collections and services. Input measures
traditionally deal with such categories as collections, facilities, staffing,
budget, and more recently, technology. They count things such as the number of
volumes, user seats, librarians, dollars, or computers. They form the basis of
many of the regional or national statistical surveys where comparisons between
libraries can be made. For example, the Association of Research Libraries
Membership Index tracked the variables of number of volumes held, the number of
volumes added during the year, number of current serials received, total
operating expenditures, and total number of professional and support staff.
While input measures
track the investment in library collections and services over time, they do not
indicate if these resources and services are actually being used or how
effective they were in meeting user needs. The use factor can be handled with output
measures that count uses or transactions associated with library
activities. These might include number of items loaned, number of reference
transactions, instruction sessions, gate counts, computer log-ins, and Web site
visits. Output measures are often used as surrogates for library effectiveness
(i.e., an effective library is one that is heavily used). While these metrics
do incorporate the user, they do not actually measure the impact specific
services or resources had on that user. They also are not necessarily tied to
any strategy or set of objectives.
Process measures, also used extensively in libraries, measure
the activities related to turning inputs into outputs. Sometimes they are
called efficiency measures as they calculate the amount of time per activity or
the cost of that activity (for example, the average length of time to catalog a
book or the cost of staffing a service point). Process measures can also have a
customer component such as the average time it takes to order a book or answer
a question.
Finally, outcome measures represent the effect or
impact of a particular service or resource on the customer or what that service
or resource enables the customer to do. Successful outcome measures are usually
linked to objectives and goals, which may not be solely defined by the library.
For example, if there is a learning objective for students to cite information
correctly in their term papers, an outcome measure might be that 95% of
citations are accurate. Durgan, Hernon, and Nitecki note that another goal of
performance measurement is, “How well does the library serve the institutional
mission and serve as an effective partner or collaborator?” (2009, p.38).
Brophy (2008) considers measuring library performance
to have two basic goals: “How good is this library? How much good does this
library do?” (p. 7). That said, performance measures in themselves are not
sufficient to achieve these goals if they are not tied directly to overall
organizational strategy and objectives. While an increasing number of libraries
are developing and using measures that tie directly to achievement of strategic
objectives (Franklin (2011) estimates at least 10% of ARL libraries are
including metrics in their strategic plans), they are usually applied to
specific areas and are neither balanced nor integrated. The Balanced Scorecard
provides an opportunity, not only to integrate these library performance
measures within a more structured planning process, but one that also connects
to synergistic organizational performance.
At the international
level, the potential impact of the Balanced Scorecard as an organizational
performance model for libraries can be seen in Poll’s and Boekhorst’s second
revised edition of Measuring Quality:
Performance Measurement in Libraries. The authors’ selection of 40
indicators is based on 4 criteria, 1 of which is: “To cover the different
aspects of the service quality as described in the Balanced Scorecard,
including indicators for the aspect of development and potentials” (Poll &
Boekhorst, 2007, p. 9). Poll and Boekhorst use the term “indicators” rather
than performance measures and, citing ISO 11620, note that good indicators are
informative, reliable, valid, appropriate, practical, and comparable.
The Association of Research Libraries
The Association of
Research Libraries (ARL) advances the interests of the major research libraries
in the United States and Canada. It has established a strong and multifaceted
assessment program to enhance understanding of current and future trends in
academic libraries and to assist member institutions in meeting their strategic
objectives. ARL places a strong focus on evidence-based decision making, and
creating a culture of assessment. It has facilitated the introduction and use
of many tools for building this capacity, including LibQUAL+® and MINES for
With the difficult economic
climate and increased requirements for accountability throughout the higher
education sector, the need to enhance member libraries’ capacity for driving
change has become even more crucial. ARL decided to explore the Balanced
Scorecard as a key tool for measuring performance and leading change within
member institutions. As noted in Kyrillidou (2010), ARL intended to accomplish
two tasks: “to
assist, train and facilitate the use of the Scorecard in a small number of ARL
libraries; and to test the value of a collaborative model for learning about
and implementing the new tool” (p. 33).
In late 2008, ARL put
out a call to its members for expressions of interest in participating in a
one-year exploration of the Balanced Scorecard. The initiative was described as
“an investment in helping libraries make a stronger case for the value they
deliver by developing metrics that are tied to strategy” (Association for
Research Libraries, 2009).
The initial November
2008 meeting ultimately produced four universities keen to participate: Johns
Hopkins University, McMaster University, the University of Virginia and the
University of Washington. The four institutions brought a wide spectrum of
experiences to the table. The University of Virginia Library had used the
Balanced Scorecard for a number of years, but was interested in refreshing
their implementation and providing assistance to the new sites. The University
of Washington had a strong assessment program, but no experience with the
Scorecard. Johns Hopkins and McMaster had developing assessment programs and no
past experience with the Scorecard.
Each university sent a
small group of librarians to develop their Scorecard initiatives, and
identified a lead member. The four teams met with the consultant and ARL lead
twice for face-to-face training in using the Scorecard. Participants came
together during monthly phone calls to review progress and discuss next steps.
Additional face-to-face meetings were held throughout the year in conjunction
with major library conferences.
Overview of the
Balanced Scorecard Process
As with many other
prominent performance management models, the Balanced Scorecard process appears
relatively straightforward. Participants are directed to:
Easily stated but, as
each library discovered, the Balanced Scorecard is not a simple or quick
undertaking. The process demands a significant investment of time and
intellectual labor. To be successful, the model also requires strong commitment
from executive leadership and mid-level managers to champion the process to
staff, customers and other stakeholders. And the impact on the organization can
be equally significant. The Scorecard forces an organization to have new – sometimes challenging –
conversations, and to analyze aspects of its current and future state
that may have otherwise gone unexamined. Ultimately, the Scorecard may substantially
shift an organization’s strategic direction or dramatically change how its
human capital and other resources are allocated. The Scorecard is, by its very
nature, a change driver. And the change is relentless. The model commits the
organization to continuous and regular reflection and to communicate the
results of those reflections with a new level of discipline and precision.
Getting Started -
Defining a Purpose Statement
Once committed to the
process, the four libraries began immersing their teams in the language and key
concepts associated with the Balanced Scorecard. ARL brought the participants
together and facilitated the conversations. The consultant provided the
training, homework, and content for learning the process.
The planning teams
began by creating “purpose statements.” A purpose statement defines the extent
of an organization’s business in one single statement. It articulates why an
organization exists, the scope of its work, and the advantage it brings. The
statement differentiates one organization from its peers and helps to put a
fence around the more lofty and grander vision and mission statements. These
purpose statements were not created for public consumption but, for some sites,
proved to be useful internal tools when working on strategy.
Identifying Strategic
Prior to entering the
pilot, all four libraries had strategic plans with defined mission, vision, and
value statements. All four sites had concerns about the value of these plans to
drive their organizations forward. All sites were maintaining formal lists of
goals or objectives, but recognized that the links between these goals and
their overall mission were sometimes fairly tenuous. Each site engaged in
ambitious slates of projects, but the alignment between these projects and the
organization’s overall mission, goals and objectives was often weak. In
addition, the teams discovered that their current slates of objectives were
focused more on what happened last year than on what they needed to do in the
coming years to achieve their missions.
The Scorecard process
forced the four teams to re-examine their current slates of objectives in light
of a new “balanced” four-perspective framework. Did their objectives adequately
address the four perspectives or did they put too much emphasis on one or
two? Did the objectives drive change or
just describe and justify the current landscape? Did the objectives sync with
the priorities of the larger university? What story did the current strategies
tell and what story did they want them to express? How can an organization tell
if it is achieving its mission when the concepts are so intangible?
Unlike in for-profit
organizations, the teams discovered that their current slates of objectives
tended to focus primarily on the customer (the users) and internal processes
(administrative efficiencies) – with relatively little attention being paid to
the staff learning and growth and financial health perspectives. Interestingly,
the changes that were happening in the overall economy in 2008 and 2009, forced
a new and sharper focus on financial issues.
In some cases,
existing objectives were mapped into the framework, while in other cases, new
directions were required. The groups were encouraged to aim for a maximum of 15
objectives (preferably 2 or 3 per perspective), each framed using an active
verb. The consultants strongly discouraged the teams from mistaking “projects”
for objectives. Given that libraries do not like to stop doing anything and
consistently strive to be all things to all people, narrowing down the past
goals and initiatives into this smaller, more defined subset caused some angst
at all sites.
Creating a “Strategy
Participants were
encouraged to render their slates of objectives into a “strategy map.” The map
is a one-page visual representation of an organization’s strategic objectives.
The maps were expected to very clearly show the balance and interrelationship
between the four perspectives. If done well, a staff member should be able to
recognize their organization’s map because it accurately reflects what that
organization is all about. Leaders are known to carry their strategy maps with
them at all times – to help tell their organization’s story to others.
Some organizations
with well-developed Scorecards and access to graphic artists have devised very
clever renditions of their strategy maps. (A search of Google for “strategy
maps” turns up very interesting results.) Even very basic strategy maps can be
extremely powerful if they effectively capture an organization’s strategic
With the assistance of
the consultants, the four ARL sites crafted very simple strategy maps
early in the process – and then returned to rework them many times during the
implementation period. In some cases, discussions with stakeholders revealed
the need for fairly significant overhauls. In other cases, the changes were
more minute (e.g., reworking the wording to improve clarity).
On occasion, the
limitations of the initial strategy maps were not revealed until later stages –
when organizations were trying to identify specific measures and targets. The teams soon discovered that the choice of
words was pivotal: if the word appears in an objective statement, it should be
measured. For example if an objective is framed to “hire, retain, train, and
develop highly motivated, productive, technologically fluent, diverse staff”
then, ultimately, that organization will need to measure its hiring, retaining,
training, developing, processes. In addition the organization may need to
measure the motivation, productivity, tech fluency, and diversity of its staff.
Eight measures could be required to fully evaluate a single overly-wordy
objective. This is one of the clear focusing mechanisms of the Balanced
Scorecard: it forces an organization to reconsider their lovely, lofty, lyric
objectives in favor of more precise statements.
Commonalities Between
Strategy Maps
Many commonalities are
evident in the four libraries’ slates of strategic objectives (Table 1). While
the exact wording on the strategy maps may be slightly different, the
intentions are strikingly similar. Overlap is evident in each perspective, but
is most noticeable in the Customer and Financial perspectives.
The following analysis
of objectives and measures is a snapshot of what each library recorded at the
time this paper was written. Because this is a change process, objectives,
measures, and even the look of the strategy maps changed fairly frequently.
Table 1
Number of Strategic Objectives by Library and Perspective
Organization |
Customer |
Financial |
Learning &
Growth |
Internal Processes |
Total # of
Objectives |
Johns Hopkins |
4 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
11 |
McMaster |
4 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
10 |
U. of Virginia* |
3 |
3 |
3 |
9 |
13 |
U. of Washington |
3 |
3 |
3 |
5 |
13 |
14 |
10 |
11 |
18 |
53 |
* University of
Virginia numbers based on 2007/9 scorecard
Common Objectives Across the Perspectives
The Financial Perspective provided the
strongest commonalities in objectives. Of the 10 objectives, Johns Hopkins,
Virginia, and Washington had 3 each, and McMaster had 1. The themes in this
perspective were clear – secure funding for operational needs (4), align
resources strategically (2), and measuring and improving the impact of
resources and services (2).
In the Customer Perspective there were a total
of 14 objectives across the 4 libraries, 4 each from McMaster and Johns Hopkins
and 3 each from Virginia and Washington. Commonalities included the following:
The Learning and Growth Perspective also
displayed many commonalities. Certain words appeared frequently to describe
staff including “collaborative,” “innovative,” “dynamic,” “diverse” and
“healthy.” Of the 11 objectives logged, Johns Hopkins accounted for 2 while
McMaster, Virginia, and Washington each had 3. Common themes are as follows:
The unique objectives
under this perspective are indicative of the local environment and
organizational culture. From embedding flexibility into everyone’s job
description to providing clear paths and processes to carry innovation into
production, clearly these libraries are reexamining the type of staffing they
will need in the upcoming years.
The Internal Processes perspective displayed the most divergence in content. There were a
total of 18 objectives – 9 at Virginia, 5 at Washington, and 2 each at Johns
Hopkins and McMaster. The wide variation in sheer number of objectives is
attributable to local preference: Some locations chose to position traditional
internal process objectives within the customer service perspective given the
focus on users.
Common objectives
included the following:
The unique objectives
under this perspective include:
Identifying Measures
Once the slates of
strategic objectives were set, the four teams moved on to develop measures. As
noted earlier, all four sites had been collecting vast amounts of data for many
years. Two of the libraries had more robust assessment programs in place and so
were more quickly able to map the measures they had to their respective
For those libraries
with less advanced assessment programs, the consultant provided an exercise to
facilitate measurement development. Given that the objectives themselves are
often large and intangible, groups were advised to ask a very simple question –
if we want to achieve that then what do
we have to do well? Once an organization understands what it needs to do
well, developing a measure is somewhat easier.
Selecting Appropriate
While there are a
number of considerations in choosing measures for the Scorecard, five critical
ones became readily apparent to the four teams:
Does the metric directly measure performance
in achieving the objective?
Most metrics operate
as surrogates or indicators of performance measurement for objectives. If the objective
is narrowly written and framed using quantitative data, then it should be
possible to find direct measures for it. For example, an objective to “increase
the amount of gift and endowment revenue” could be linked to a measure of
current revenue against a baseline.
Objectives at a broader level, such as “create world-class teaching and
learning spaces,” would most likely use performance indicators such as user
satisfaction with space or number of instructional spaces. Essentially, metrics should be able to
measure or indicate an organization’s progress in achieving its objectives.
What data is needed for the measure?
As noted earlier, all
four libraries were already collecting vast amounts of data for purposes of
campus and professional association accountability. Data that is already being
collected should be reviewed first for use as measures. However, Matthews adds a cautionary note: “There is a tendency
among libraries to consider only the measures that are currently being
collected or that would be easy to collect” (2008, p. 67). Yet, the time and
costs involved in beginning new data collection processes can be substantial
and should not be underestimated. The primary focus of time and effort should
be on achieving the objective rather than coming up with the best method of
measuring it. Above all, the data should
be practical – obtainable with a reasonable amount of effort and easy to use
and understand.
How often should the data be collected and
The issue of data frequency
was a regular point of discussion. Much of the Balanced Scorecard literature
calls for frequent reporting of results from measures, many on a quarterly
basis. The frequency may depend on how readily available the data is. Data can
be extracted from automated systems on demand, but survey data or other
assessments may have a longer reporting cycle. Academic libraries also need to
consider the academic calendar: monthly or quarterly tracking will be less
useful than term-to-term or year-to-year comparisons of the same academic term
How many measures are needed for each
The four groups
struggled to determine the correct number of measures for each objective. The
preferred number depends on the objective and the data. Narrowly defined
objectives generally require fewer measures than those broadly defined. For
example, an organization with an objective around enhancing teaching and
learning activities might consider tracking the number of instructional
sessions and participants, session evaluations, number of academic programs
reached, evidence in student work, survey responses, and faculty evaluations of
usefulness. Data availability and frequency may also have an impact on the
number of measures. Some data, such as satisfaction surveys, may be available
only once every 2-3 years while other data is collected on an ongoing
basis. Matthews notes that, “It is
better to have fewer measures than too many” (2008, p.87). The number of
measures per perspective should also be limited. Finally, the measures should be looked at
holistically within the entire Scorecard to ensure that they provide a balanced
measure of overall performance and are not reliant on the same data sources.
How should the results be presented?
Choosing the best way to present the data was also a significant consideration.
The four teams spent much time visualizing how specific measures would be
displayed so as to capture what was most meaningful. Understanding what each
particular chart type can provide can clarify what you want to show even more.
Developing a standardized slate of measures
for ARL libraries
Commonalities between
pilot slates
We have seen some
commonalities among the pilot sites. As a result a key question is whether ARL
can offer a menu of potential themes and associated metrics that libraries can
target to excel in achieving their organizational mission and vision. While
each library in this study is to some extent in the initial phase of measure
and target development, some general observations can be made about the areas
of overlap that can give insights as to whether an ARL menu of metrics can be
Table 2 identifies the
measures per objective for the four pilot sites. The table indicates fairly wide
variation in the number of measures – from a low of 26 measures logged by
McMaster and Washington to a high of 48 measures logged by Johns Hopkins. The
average number of measures per objective also varies significantly, from two to
4.3 measures.
Table 2
Average Number of
Measures Per Objective, by Library
Organization |
# of Objectives |
# of Measures |
Average #
Measure/Objective |
Johns Hopkins |
11 |
48 |
4.3 |
McMaster |
10 |
26 |
2.6 |
University of Virginia |
13 |
36 |
2.7 |
University of Washington |
13 |
26 |
2 |
Table 3
Number of Measures Per Perspective and Library
Perspective |
Institution |
Number of Measures |
Customer 47 total measures |
19 |
McMaster |
11 |
University of Virginia |
9 |
University of Washington |
8 |
Financial 24 total measures |
13 |
McMaster |
3 |
University of Virginia |
5 |
University of Washington |
3 |
Learning and Growth 27 total measures |
7 |
McMaster |
6 |
University of Virginia |
5 |
University of Washington |
9 |
Internal 38 total measures |
9 |
McMaster |
6 |
University of Virginia |
10 |
University of Washington |
13 |
An analysis of common measures
across the four perspectives (Table 3) uncovers many trends. It is important to
note that the libraries may have the same measure but align it with a different
In the Customer Perspective there were a total of
47 individual measures identified by the four libraries. Common measures include the following:
In the Financial Perspective the following were
common measures:
Unique financial
measures include amount of grant funding, unit cost of specific functions such
as ILL, and measures surrounding how the library contributes to faculty
research or how many journals the library holds based on citations by faculty
In the Learning and Growth perspective the
following were common measures:
Finally, common
measures in the Internal Processes
perspective include the following:
The unique measures in
the internal perspective often deal with process improvements unique to each
Creating a
Standardized Slate
The high level of
commonality between measures being proposed at the four pilot sites suggests
that a standardized slate is viable. Participants benefited greatly from
sharing lists of measures. Reviewing a peer’s slate sometimes suggested new
areas for exploration. Discussions around measures often saved considerable time:
partners benefitted from the successes and the failures at the other
The concept of
reviewing the ARL statistics in light of common measurements also appears
worthwhile. Such a strategy would standardize the definitions being used across
member institutions and allow benchmarking between peers.
But more work needs to
be done. The four pilot sites have established their preliminary set of
measures and have, in some cases, started to collect data. Early experience
suggests that libraries need to go through a full cycle of collecting and
analyzing the data, then actually attempt to use it for discussion and decision
making before determining if the framing is right. In some cases, a measure
might seem to be useful until the first set of numbers appear. It is not until
the collector tries to render the first set of charts or the analyst first puts
it under the microscope that the true nature of the measure emerges. And
sometimes the true picture is not really known until the data comes before the
library’s leadership group for the first time. Even the simplest measures turn
out to be more complex than originally expected.
Once the measures were
identified, the pilot sites began the very challenging task of setting targets.
Ultimately, measures have little context without clear expectations or targets.
Targets articulate the level of success needed in achieving the objective.
Targets are quantitative and should be attainable. They can be based on overall
mission, benchmarked practices, historical performance, and baseline data. For
many measures, some form of baseline data will already be available that can be
used to set targets. In other cases, a best “guesstimate” will be needed at the
beginning. Targets should not be set so low that they are easily achieved
without much effort. A higher target should be reachable with effort in a
reasonable amount of time. Setting targets too high may lead to staff
frustration and a perception by those outside the organization that the
libraries are not succeeding in meeting their mission and objectives. Targets
can be revised, especially if the initial effort was set without sufficient
The University of
Virginia Library was in a unique position, having used a Balanced Scorecard
approach for almost a decade. They had long used a “two target” approach (high
target = full success, low target = partial success, no target = no success).
Low targets were usually set at a point slightly better than current
performance, while high targets were set to encourage substantially improved
performance. When possible, the value for current performance was based on
historical data, but occasionally targets were based on the educated guesses of
responsible staff as to current performance on a certain measure. Virginia has
analyzed their measures annually, noting their level of success for each
measure (Self, 2004).
Organizational issues
The participating
libraries faced a host of organizational issues that required considerable time
and effort to address. In many cases, the issues were not well-covered in the
Balanced Scorecard literature: the literature assumes that senior leadership
will wholeheartedly champion the decision to implement the Scorecard, that a
senior team with authority to make decisions will oversee the process, and that
staff throughout the organization will naturally understand and follow. The
reality in a large academic library with a history of a more cautious approach
to change, a strong emphasis on consensus and a suspicion of non-academic
approaches, is often very different.
Getting the Senior
Leadership Team’s Attention
Not surprisingly, discussions of the Balanced Scorecard battled for attention
with the immediate – the operational imperatives
that suck the time out of typical leadership meetings. Teams had to convince
senior leaders that strategy needed to drive operations and that the Scorecard
presented a healthy mix of what the organizations have needed for some time.
Scorecard team members needed to find champions within the leadership group to
support what amounted to an institutional leap of faith – that the Scorecard
would apply a level of discipline that would (ultimately!) simplify operational
decisions, reduce waste and provide greater clarity around priorities.
All four teams
reported success in engaging their leadership teams relatively early in the
process. The leadership groups came to realize that the Scorecard could raise
the level of discussion at executive meetings, simplify decision making, and
help steer budgetary decisions. The site with two Associate University
Librarians on the Scorecard team experienced the least difficulty in moving the
initiative forward. This parallels the leadership involvement at the University
of Virginia Library when they first adopted the Balanced Scorecard in 2001.
Teams with a more distant relationship to the senior leadership group
encountered more difficulty during the early days in getting the leadership’s
attention, securing time on leadership group agendas, and ultimately capturing
interest in the Scorecard.
Overcoming Resistance
– The Human Dynamic
libraries found that some of their staff colleagues viewed the Balanced
Scorecard with a degree of suspicion – in some
cases, even cynicism. This response is not unique to libraries – with its emphasis on performance measurement,
change, and accountability, employees of any organization are likely to offer
resistance to the Scorecard process, and countless articles and book chapters
offer strategies on how to address this reaction. One presenter at a recent
conference for mission driven organizations drew laughter from the audience
when he spoke about how he handled “malicious compliance” within his
The tension between
strategy and operations was experienced by all teams. Staff expressed concern
about not seeing their specific work assignments explicitly linked to the
strategy map, metrics and initiatives. The four teams conveyed a similar
message back to their organizations. In some cases, the work being done by a
particular unit is extremely important to supporting institutional priorities,
but in itself, is not strategic at the organizational level.
In addition, the ARL
initiative was underway during a particularly dire economic crisis when library
budgets were stretched to the limit and layoffs were a distinct reality at many
institutions. At the individual level, the Balanced Scorecard can be
threatening – though not generally directly tied to job evaluations, it can be
seen as a form of public performance management, and often is used to focus
attention on strategic goals at the expense of ongoing, perhaps outmoded,
operations. Even in flusher financial times, Virginia experienced staff
reluctance to set “stretch” targets in their areas for fear of failure.
It also may be that
certain elements common to the organizational culture of academic libraries may
contribute additional resistance to the Balanced Scorecard.
First, libraries and
library staff are not widely known as change agents. On the contrary, the
collective focus has traditionally been on preservation and stability. Even key
innovations have often been focused on maintaining continuity and access to
historical material, albeit in new ways. Academic libraries, in particular,
like the colleges and universities of which they are a part, are just beginning
to substantially change their basic physical and organizational structures.
Only in the last decade have libraries begun to prioritize digital over
physical collections and hire programmers as they once hired bibliographers. In
many ways, libraries still operate very similarly to their counterparts a
century ago. Libraries are working at change, but unlike their counterparts in
the fast-paced commercial world, still change relatively slowly.
Second, academic
libraries and library staff are not predisposed to adopt business tools. Often
mirroring the views of the academic community they serve, libraries tend to
think that the scholarly nature of their work precludes the successful use of
business-based strategies. However, there are signs that this attitude is
beginning to change, with outcome-based budgeting and return-on-investment
models gaining traction at institutions of higher education.
Finally, libraries
tend to operate within silos. This too is reinforced by the larger structure of
the college or university, where individual departments typically retain a
great deal of autonomy. Despite the contemporary focus on collaboration and
interdisciplinary scholarship, academics still tend to work on their own.
Library staff are not used to coming together to talk about the organization as
a whole. Staff members tend to focus on their own areas of specialization
(e.g., cataloguing, reference, etc.) and do not typically create forums to
facilitate high-level discussions about the future of the entire organization.
By implementing the
Balanced Scorecard, planning teams are asking staff and campus stakeholders to
make several leaps of faith – not only that tracking progress will increase the
probability that the library will achieve its collective goals, but also that
change is necessary and good, that a solution developed by and for the business
world may have value in the academic environment, and that by working together,
library staff can achieve more than by working independently.
The Balanced
Scorecard, and the strategy that underlies it, is a compendium of choices or
decisions – many of them hard ones. The Strategy Map forces the organization to
choose one priority or direction over another. The final choice of metrics
reflects a collective decision about what truly matters and is worth counting.
The specific projects or initiatives linked to the Scorecard reflect hard
decisions about where the organization will invest its time and limited
Some participants
reported issues associated with governance and authority structures. In some cases, decision-making structures
overlapped, thus getting in the way of setting clear priorities. In other
cases, the decision-making structure was not clear.
More often though, the issue was behavioral rather than structural. Participants encountered hesitancy to commit to
one plan over another and a reluctance to be the one to make the final
decision. Staff often reported that they did not have enough information to
provide an opinion on a given tactic. Groups tended to revisit the same issues
over and over again and bring closure to the issues at hand.
This reluctance might
be associated with the historic focus on consensus as a decision-making style
within many academic libraries (and within the academy as a whole). Achieving
100% consensus on a given issue can take time and sometimes results in weaker
The four teams used a
variety of techniques to arrive at decisions. All sites used a blending of
staff committees to work on various aspects of the Scorecard. At the end of the
day, in all four sites, final decisions were made by the senior leadership
team. Some sites had success with expressing the continuous nature of the
review process. The strategies were framed as hypotheses, the best choice of
action at the given time and with the given information. Mid-year adjustments
and regular review were part of the process.
Integrating the Balanced Scorecard into the strategic
planning process
The four groups
recognized that incorporating the Balanced Scorecard into their libraries’
existing assessment program was relatively easy, but if that was the full
extent of the integration, the implementation would be only partially
successful. The Scorecard is not, as might appear at first, simply a container
for assessment data. Rather, the scorecard is a management and change process
first, and a metrics process second. The teams recognized that the Scorecard
required a robust planning and decision-making cycle. To be effective, the
senior leadership group needed to be reviewing the metrics and the strategic
initiatives on a regular basis. The review meetings needed to be deep and
focused on achieving success. The Scorecard becomes the catalyst for rich
conversations and sometimes difficult decisions – not just another cluster of
data to shelve from quarter to quarter.
Communicating Progress
with Staff
Given the complexity
and intense integration of the Scorecard into the organizational fabric,
regular communication of progress with staff proved to be essential – but not
always easy.
The strategy maps
provided a good graphical representation of the libraries’ strategic objectives
– but the interrelationships between the objectives, the metrics and the
initiatives were hard to explain. Participants struggled to find the right
visual to bring all the pieces together and some pieces were undoubtedly lost
in translation. The pilot leads
struggled with providing the right information at the right time – without
unnecessarily confusing their colleagues. In many cases, chunks of time past
without noticeable progress – and the initiative moved to the back of people’s
consciousness. And of course, the participants themselves were learning as they
went along.
The participants tried
a variety of approaches to share their stories with their colleagues and their
campus communities. Most teams sent out regular communiqués to library staff
and held a variety of face-to-face sessions (e.g., presentations, hands-on
workshops, etc.). Some sites reported the best progress when blending the
balanced scorecard information with other broader events.
The yearlong ARL initiative has met
its initial objectives. The four local implementations are still a work in
progress, but the leads are fully trained and the infrastructure is in place.
The sites continue to refine their measures, set their targets, and
occasionally circle back to their original objective statements. Data is being
collected. The leadership teams are starting to see their first deliverables
out of the Balanced Scorecard process.
Although still early in the game, the
concept of identifying standard suites of objectives and measures that ARL
libraries can select or start from appears to hold merit. Strong commonalities
are evident in the four sites’ work. As well, the ARL objective to test a
collaborative approach to assessment has been fruitful. The opportunities to
discuss concepts and wording with peers helped reduce barriers. The community
of practice around the Scorecard process has helped make each implementation
The study has identified the challenges
but also the tremendous opportunities for implementing the Balanced Scorecard
in an academic library. The process requires a substantial allocation of time
and intellectual effort. The process requires a significant and ongoing
commitment from senior leadership to be successful. The strength of the
scorecard is its linkages. The process, if done effectively, can help solidify
the bond between the organization’s strategic objectives and the specific
initiatives it elects to undertake. The Balanced Scorecard forces an organization to have
new, sometimes challenging, conversations and to analyze aspects of its current
and future state that may have otherwise gone unexamined. Ultimately, the
Scorecard may substantially shift an organization’s strategic direction or
dramatically change how its human capital and other resources are allocated.
The Scorecard is, by its very nature, a change driver. The model commits the
organization to continuous and regular reflection and to communicate the results
of those reflections with a new level of discipline and precision.
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