Conference Paper
Business Intelligence Infrastructure for Academic
for Planning and Organizational Analysis
of Pennsylvania Libraries
Pennsylvania, United States of America
[email protected]
2013 Zucca. This is an Open Access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons‐Attribution‐Noncommercial‐Share Alike License 2.5 Canada (,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial
purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the
same or similar license to this one.
Objective – To describe the rationale for and development
of MetriDoc, an information technology infrastructure that facilitates the
collection, transport, and use of library activity data.
– With
the help of the Institute for Museum and Library Services, the University of
Pennsylvania Libraries have been working on creating a decision support system
for library activity data. MetriDoc is a means of “lighting up” an array of
data sources to build a comprehensive repository of quantitative information
about services and user behavior. A data source can be a database, text file,
Extensible Markup Language (XML), or any binary object that contains data and
has business value. MetriDoc provides simple tools to extract useful
information from various data sources; transform, resolve, and consolidate that
data; and finally store them in a repository.
– The
Penn Libraries completed five reference projects to prove basic concepts of the
MetriDoc framework and make available a set of applications that other
institutions could test in a deployment of the MetriDoc core. These reference
projects are written as configurable plugins to the core framework and can be
used to parse and store EZ-Proxy log data, COUNTER data, interlibrary loan
transactional data from ILLIAD, fund expenditure data from the Voyager
integrated library system, and transactional data from the Relais platform,
which supports the BorrowDirect and EZBorrow resource sharing consortiums. The
MetriDoc framework is currently undergoing test implementations at the
University of Chicago and North Carolina State University, and the Kuali-OLE
project is actively considering it as the basis of an analytics module.
If libraries decide that a business intelligence
infrastructure is strategically important, deep collaboration will be essential
to progress, given the costs and complexity of the challenge.
Since the late 1990s, the academic library
community has held a wide-ranging discussion on library metrics for the digital
age. Beginning in 1998, this
conversation took on formal dimensions with two noteworthy developments: first, the guidelines for measuring the use
of electronic resources issued by the International Coalition of Library
Consortia (ICOLC); and second, the emergence in Europe of Equinox, a project to
create performance indicators for the “hybrid” library (International Coalition of Library Consortia, 2006). Soon after, the Association of Research
Libraries (ARL) (2001) identified electronic use statistics as a key priority
for its Statistics Program, and launched the E-Metrics Project.
The ARL effort eventually broadened into
an attempt to restructure the canon of statistics that describes and tracks the
value of library services in the 21st century. It has long been
recognized that the traditional ARL statistical corpus – holdings, expenditure, and staff size
– cannot adequately represent library contributions
to academic outcomes, or engagement with the strategic interests of the
academic community, such as library support for collaborative methods of
teaching and learning, e-science and e-research, and the globalization of
higher education.
Even as the search for more relevant metrics has
unfolded, academic libraries have been buffeted by paradigm-altering events.
They have seen their purchasing power erode, their budgets constrict, and their
audiences shift to powerful new commercial information services, such as Google
and Amazon. In their planning, libraries have had to tackle difficult questions
about their very nature and purpose in the academy. To quote one study: “Unless libraries take action…they risk being left with responsibility
for low-margin services that no one else (including the commercial world) wants
to provide” (“A continuing discussion”, 2008, p. 4).
Academic libraries, regardless of Carnegie
designation, share a common mission to support the teaching and learning
enterprise, and the fulfillment of that mission amid today’s pressures is
increasingly linked to intelligence about resource consumption, service
quality, and the library’s impact on research and student learning. Clearly, libraries have entered a period
where measurement and mission are inextricably linked, where effective
management is evidence based management (Wilson, 2008).
The challenges of the past decade have
sparked a keen interest in assessment and an even sharper focus on
accountability and the elusive questions of what to measure and how (Luce,
2008). ARL’s commendable reevaluation of
the statistical canon notwithstanding, only nominal progress has been made on
new metrics or on the critical problem of assembling data for effective,
cost-efficient, and sustainable assessment. Further, some of the most promising
work has originated outside the ARL community, for example, in the Los Alamos
Digital Library’s MESUR initiative and Project COUNTER. JISC is another source
of good recent work that sheds light on tools, methods, and developmental
pathways for business intelligence in libraries (Kay &Van Harmelen, 2012).
ARL has had notable success at building a
nascent community of practice around library assessment, elevating quantitative
methods employed within the community through LibQUAL® and
other initiatives. But if libraries are to link evidence to management and
planning effectively, the assessment effort will require additional focus,
leadership, tools, and technical infrastructure. The thrust toward evidence based management
has been particularly hobbled by the problem of gathering and mining information
from data—vast amounts of data arising from service and user interaction with
librarians. Until data can be quickly and routinely harvested and made ready
for study, the evolving community of practice, along with effective leadership
in assessment, will struggle to coalesce.
This situation seems paradoxical given
that nearly every library service leaves some kind of data trail to mine, from
circulation records to e-journal logs to emails about research questions.
Enormous in size and potential, these trails of evidence are as inaccessible as
they are ubiquitous; they are locked up in silos that bar retrieval and thwart
investigation; they are expensive and complicated to render usable. At the
present time, assessment’s most critical assets are, in effect, the detritus of
library systems–traces in the clickstream captured by some log or millions of
transaction records stored in an esoteric database table.
Libraries are not wanting for analytical
methods, even if the data they need are hard to reach. A variety of protocols
has been developed in recent years including: a means to analyze the depth of
reference services, to measure the impact of networked electronic resources,
and to estimate return on investment (ROI) in academic libraries (Gerlich &
Berard, n.d.; Franklin & Plum, 2008; Kaufman, 2008). But in each case, the
commodity most critical to sustained, productive use of these methods is also
the hardest resource to muster. Liberating an institution’s data and converting
them into knowledge which informs budgetary decisions, staff allocations, new
service models, and a sophisticated understanding of research output and
scholarly workflows is fundamentally important to evidence based practice and,
by extension, to the course of libraries and the universities they serve.
Duderstadt argues that the evolution of the library in the digital age
prefigures the evolution of the university: “In a sense the university library
may be the most important observation post for studying how students really learn.
If the core competency of the university is the capacity to build collaborative
spaces, both real and intellectual, then the changing nature of the library may
be a paradigm for the changing nature of the university itself.” (2009, p. 220)
This reasoning underscores the critical need for an improved understanding of
how scholars interact with and use the services that libraries provide.
Meaning and Scope of a Decision Support System
As an enterprise approach to systematic
decision support, the University of Pennsylvania Libraries (Penn Libraries) is
developing MetriDoc to provide an information technology (IT) infrastructure
that facilitates the collection and transport of data. As such, our goal is to
address the assessment challenge cited above, specifically to unlock the vast
and rich data reserves that libraries possess and to tap them for planning and
MetriDoc constitutes several layers of a
tiered Decision Support System (DSS). In the literature, the concept of DSS has
many connotations, which encompass technology but also speak to the
non-technical facets of data administration and evidence based management. For
present purposes, I follow Turban, Leidner, McLean, and Wetherbe (2004) in
describing a DSS as:
“a computer-based information system that combines models and
data in an attempt to solve semi-structured and some unstructured problems with
extensive user involvement.” (pp. 550)
Again, following Turban et al. the
MetriDoc approach to a DSS possesses these features:
Data Management Layer: the range of data
that originate from disparate sources and are targeted for harvest into a
database or repository layer of the DSS. (As Turban points out, extract into a
database is not a prerequisite of the DSS, but that is the method we employ
with MetriDoc.).
Model Management and Data Governance:
structural components of data that form the building blocks of DSS applications
and require continuous coordination with the production systems that generate
transactional data.
Data Warehouse: repository of refined,
normalized data from raw sources.
User Interface Layer: a discovery
interface that aids users in identifying and isolating relevant data, performs
basic aggregation and analysis, and outputs results to dashboards, feeds (RSS and/or
Atom), structured reports, or even integrates with third-party applications
such as Excel, SAS, R, or Software Environment for the Advancement of Scholarly
Research SEASR.
As Lakos and Phipps (2004) have noted, the
management of library services employs multiple data sources that often have
overlapping relationships, such as the linkages between expenditure and use, or
the more complex interconnections between user populations and resource
consumption. For this reason, a single, integrated DSS should be developed that
supports sophisticated use of both descriptive and inferential statistics. The
DSS should make quantitative information readily available and easy to access
by all levels of staff. Data should be routinely harvested, modeled, updated,
and archived. A management structure should be in place with sufficient
staffing and executive support to deal with data governance issues and manage
the flow of quantitative information throughout the organization.
Options for Developing DSS Capabilities
The case for developing decision support
systems for libraries dates back to at least the 1980s (McClure, 1980). By the
late 1990s, the idea had found a prolific champion in Amos Lakos (1998), whose
work with Shelley Phipps (Lakos & Phipps, 2004) gives a prominent place to
the DSS in furthering what is commonly termed the culture of assessment in
Though the need for such systems is well
established in the literature, there has been little institutional investment
in their creation. Lakos cites automated DSS systems in some stage of
development at only a handful of universities, including the Penn Libraries’
Data Farm project, which we discuss in more detail below (1998).
The rarity of DSS projects in the academic
library community, particularly given the need to clarify mission, optimize
finances, and cultivate new services and management methods, testifies to the
difficulty and expense of the endeavor.
The Commercial Development Sphere
For the majority of library
administrators, keeping pace with mission-critical technologies, such as their
Integrated Library Systems (ILS) and web applications, absorbs most of the
staff and technical expertise available to them. As a result, the appeal of
vendor support in this realm is especially strong.
All ILS vendors provide some level of
report writing, but these capabilities are deeply integrated into the
architecture of proprietary systems and thus fail to provide the flexibility or
richness of data analysis that libraries need. OCLC’s WorldCat Collection
Analysis tool is yet another of these “blackbox” solutions. Regardless of their
strengths or flaws, both the ILS and OCLC provide business intelligence
primarily about print collections; gathering and processing data on other
aspects of library services would involve a multiplicity of systems, which
works against the need for economy and integration in a DSS solution. The DSS
space is also occupied by commercial firms active in the university market.
Here the need is for enterprise level data warehousing to provide metrics
related to admissions, student performance, retention, and the like. Firms in
data warehousing have not made a foothold in libraries due to the expense of
implementation and support.
Whether the commercial sphere is prepared
to engage with libraries and the complicated mix of data sources they handle is
unclear. Libraries need to integrate budgetary data, bibliographic measures,
web analytics, personnel information, courseware measures, and a wide range of
usage data from local and licensed sources. While library-oriented data
warehousing systems have appeared from vendors, they require substantial
contributions and start-up costs involving a range of library staff to
implement. The ongoing costs for a commercial solution are uncertain, but
clearly, libraries will have no control or proprietary stake in the products
they are helping vendors to design and market. In the end, a proprietary
solution will struggle to satisfy the scope of library needs, but it will add
extraordinary new costs and slow deployment of DSS technology. The commercial
option is also apt to inhibit prospects for multi-institutional collaboration
around metrics, just as the commercial ILS inhibits cooperative efforts by
hardening the silos around data and systems architecture.
Community Development Model
A development role in DSS, under an open
or community source model, would be advantageous to the library community,
specifically enabling:
Community-sourcing does not exclude
commercial interests, but changes the fundamental dynamics of the library
market, allowing vendors and libraries to forge new relationships around the
support of software and the extension of that intellectual property for the
best interests of the community. Open development of a metrics framework
insulates libraries from a destabilizing reliance on vendors for product
development and support, while also building a knowledge base that strengthens
intra- and inter-institutional cooperation around strategic problems. Open development can also spur
competency-building within the library community, encouraging the acquisition
of statistical skills and creating professional opportunities around data
modeling, metadata design, and data governance, in addition to statistical
methods and presentation.
MetriDoc: A System Overview
With the help of the Institute for Museum
and Libraries Services (IMLS), the Penn Libraries have been working on the
feasibility of creating a DSS for library activity data, and have developed a
deployable, extensible technology, MetriDoc, that other libraries can use to
broach the challenge. MetriDoc is a means of “lighting up” an array of data
sources to build a comprehensive repository of quantitative information about
services and user behavior. A data source can be a database, text file, XML, or
any binary object that contains data that has business value. MetriDoc provides
simple tools to extract useful information from various data sources, transform,
resolve and consolidate that data, and finally store them in a repository. The repository
is comprised of various storage mechanisms to make it easy to extract data for
reports and statistical processes. With this in mind, the Penn Libraries are
designing MetriDoc to meet the following requirements:
MetriDoc must be understood within the
context of the Penn Libraries’ Data Farm initiative. The Data Farm website ( has authentication controls, but this page suggests features available
to staff. That said, a number of Data Farm functions deliver data on schedules
directly to managers and do not required interaction with the web. In addition,
Penn Libraries Management Information Services provide considerable ad hoc
analyses from Data Farm sources.
A program that began in 2000, the Data
Farm represents a substantial institutional investment in assessment. In brief,
the Data Farm is a "collection" of DDS functions that run on a common
Oracle instance and output to the web or Excel (Cullen, 2005; Zucca, 2003). The
underlying data come from a variety of sources, for example: the Voyager ILS
system, Apache web server logs, a local database that powers segments of the
Penn Libraries website for metrics on e-resource usage, COUNTER data from
vendors (this includes a Penn-designed SUSHI harvester which we deploy in
MetriDoc), and input from public services staff who consult with students and
do bibliographic instruction. The Data Farm is also the reporting utility for
the BorrowDirect and EZ-Borrow programs (two large-scale resource sharing
cooperatives in the Northeast). The Data Farm is used heavily by more than 70
members of these cooperatives, as well as Penn Libraries bibliographers, public
service managers, and Strategic Planning Team. But for all of that, in certain
fundamental respects the Data Farm is a prototype for study and
MetriDoc represents a more rigorous phase of Data Farm development, and
leverages the knowledge the Penn Libraries have gained since 2000. The key
points of distinction between Data Farm and MetriDoc are represented in Table 1.
four service layers comprising MetriDoc support the following functions:
Extraction of raw data sources. Routines within
MetriDoc are designed to “recognize” specific data structures and extract what
is of primary interest to measurement, for example, relevant information from a
log or database.
Transformation of the raw extract into
normalized, decoded information (such as the resolving of ISSN numbers into a
serial title, or an SFX object identifier into citation elements).
Transformation is a complex but critical process that sets the stage for the
third function,
the loading of normalized and anonymized data
into a query-able data repository. The fourth MetriDoc tier sits above the
other three (ETL) service layers and allows for the integration of the data
repository with statistical analysis and visualization tools, or the
distribution of flat files for use with statistical programs.
The MetriDoc service layers are more fully described below and
illustrated in Figure 1.
1. Extraction Service – The extraction API, or application
programming interface, can be accessed directly with code via scripts. This
process creates the payload for ingestion by the MetriDoc repository – in most cases a data construct that defines a database
table and rules for validation.
2. Transformation Service – Data elements within a log stream
often include encoded or identity information. Encoded data must be resolved to
capture the meaningful information for analysis and reporting. For example,
Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) or ISSN numbers are commonly used to identify
specific instances of articles or journal titles. Identity information provides
useful demographic class descriptions about a user’s department, status, and
rank. The MetriDoc Resolution Service consists of processes that tap external
data sources, such as national bibliographic utilities or the university data
warehouse, and query for matching content
from these sources. Once deployed, these resolvers can be linked in order to
resolve data points iteratively within a log or other data source. The MetriDoc
document is returned to the messaging channel with enriched data about the
bibliographic and demographic components of service events.
3. MetriDoc Repository Service – MetriDoc
provides a repository service that houses MetriDoc event data processed from
source files and exposes that data for user query and retrieval. This service
abstracts the actual data store to provide scalability and flexibility, and can
comprise a wide variety of repositories, from relational databases such as
Oracle or MySQL to a mere file system. Additionally, abstraction allows storage
to be distributed across physical locations for improved resiliency and fault tolerance.
4. Data Farm Service Layer – The MetriDoc
architecture abstracts user interaction from the ETL components of the
framework. In the Penn Libraries context, interactive services are supported by
the Data Farm Service layer, which can be developed using a variety of commercial
tools or locally designed solutions. By design, the MetriDoc
repository can be exposed to report-building applications via a RESTful interface, or to scripts that generate dashboard
pages, datasets in Excel format for download, or comma delimited files for
ingestion into a third-party analytics repository such as eThority.
In this last scenario, the Data Farm Service can contain an extensible
repository with a library of datasets and data visualizations, and the ability
to create refined datasets for analysis, using a statistical language such as R
or SAS. This service can support analysis tools that are shared across domains
to assist in comparison, reporting, and analysis.
Data Farm and MetriDoc Structural Features
Data Farm Structural Features |
MetriDoc Structural Features |
Builds a specific extraction and ingestion tool for
each type of data source. |
Abstracts the ingestion process and delegates
specific extraction to small pieces of code. |
Builds source-specific data structures in an Oracle
tablespace. |
Generalizes each log transaction into an abstract
representation of an “event.” |
Resolves identity and bibliographic data after
ingestion. |
Resolves identity data on the fly from a rich and
diverse set of resolution sources. |
Exposes a single discovery interface, tightly
coupled with the end-user tool. |
Isolates discovery of datasets and provides workflow
tools to combine, refine, analyze, and augment data, and then expose it
through a multifaceted delivery service layer. |
Comprises a single technology stack. |
Composed of loosely coupled service layers
consisting of four distinct services that are integrated through easy-to-use,
RESTful interfaces. |
Figure 1
MetriDoc tiered architecture
The four MetriDoc
service layers are an orchestrated chain of services that ingest, resolve,
normalize, store, index, query, deliver and transform event data regardless of
their native structures. It is designed to provide flexibility, extensibility,
and consistency to data flows. The technologies used are common in enterprise
applications including Spring, Hibernate, Java, and Grails.
Current Development
With funding from the IMLS received in
2010/11, the Penn Libraries completed five reference projects to prove basic
concepts of the MetriDoc framework and make available
a set of applications that other institutions could test in a deployment of the
MetriDoc core. These reference projects are written as configurable plugins to
the core framework and can be used to parse and store EZ-Proxy log data,
COUNTER data (with and accompanying plugin for data harvest with SUSHI), ILL
transactional data from ILLIAD, fund expenditure data from the Voyager ILS, and
transactional data from the Relais platform which supports the BorrowDirect and
EZBorrow resource sharing consortiums. The projects represent a range of
challenges and repository concepts that a DDS will encounter in a library
As of this writing the Penn Libraries are
also developing a MetriDoc module for data related to research consultations
and bibliographic instruction services. The MetriDoc framework is currently
undergoing test implementations at the University of Chicago and North Carolina
State University, and the Kuali-OLE (Open Library Environment) project is
actively considering it as the basis of an analytics module that will ship with
Benefits of Collaboration
The purpose of MetriDoc is to make
available vast, unutilized quantitative information in support of library
strategic planning and decision-making. Success in this endeavor opens a range
of partnership opportunities. Deployed in a collective environment, a
MetriDoc-like framework can:
provide libraries a tool for conducting
the foundational research leading to new performance metrics;
aid cross-institutional study of
collections, which advances collaborative collection development;
be deployed in resource-sharing
initiatives which will help partners identify best practices and optimize the
distribution of physical materials;
increase an institution’s knowledge of
local research interests and patterns through the demographic analysis of
transaction records;
expose metadata based on resource use to
discovery systems for improved resource access and research intelligence;
enable the integration of usage and expenditure
data to identify cost efficiencies and help libraries apportion budgets more
effectively across communities;
gather electronic use data on both locally
created and licensed digital resources; and
provide a platform for relating usage
information to customer satisfaction and other parametric measures of quality.
Powerful new tools for visualizing and
distributing data are available to the assessment community. Measurement
standards for library performance and the potential for creating a robust canon
of library metrics are also within reach. The challenge remaining is posed by
the data: by the complex and ornery problem of harvesting, structuring, and
storing the vast troves of activity data resting dormant in the systems
libraries all use to conduct business. MetriDoc, and ETL solutions generally
provide an answer to this problem.
The academic library community faces some
tough decisions with regard to business intelligence. First, this is not an
assessment project, but a matter of technical and staff infrastructure, on the
level of our commitments to ILS technology and similar IT supported functions.
It is, additionally, an area requiring development resources, as there are no
shrink-wrap solutions for our particular challenges. Infrastructure creation
and development are expensive activities and will test the importance of
business intelligence in the spectrum of this community’s strategic priorities.
In the end, libraries will or will not
rank this as strategically important. If it is, deep collaboration will be
essential to progress, given the costs and complexity of the challenge. A
community effort on business intelligence infrastructure can expedite
innovation and instigate new relationships among academic institutions and
between the academy and commercial sector.
But how will this deep collaboration come about? One wonders if this is
an area where ARL can be an effective broker, providing a space for potential
partners to begin addressing the challenge of creating and governing a critical
new infrastructure for managing library services. Such an effort is afoot in
the U.K. where, under JISC sponsorship, the focus by libraries on activity data
is picking up steam and maturing faster than here in the States. The MetriDoc effort has joined that
conversation even as it looks for development partners closer to home (Zucca,
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