Evidence Summary
The Launch of
a Joint Library/Writing Centre Online Course on Academic Integrity
A Review of:
Greer, K., Swanberg, S., Hristova, M., Switzer, A. T., Daniel, D., &
Perdue, S. W. (2012). Beyond the web tutorial: Development and implementation
of an online, self-directed academic integrity course at Oakland University. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 38(5), 251-258. doi:
Reviewed by:
Cari Merkley
Associate Professor
Mount Royal University Library
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Email: [email protected]
Received: 3 Mar. 2013 Accepted: 21 Apr. 2013
2013 Merkley.
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same or similar license to this one.
Objective – To outline the collaborative development of an online course
addressing academic integrity by a university’s library system and writing
Design – Case study.
Setting – A public research university in the Midwestern United States.
– 1650 students who completed the online module.
– Oakland University (OU) Libraries and the Writing Centre began
to collaborate on the development of a new online course on academic integrity
in 2011. It was felt that an existing online library tutorial on plagiarism no
longer met the needs of students and faculty. The development of the course was
informed by the Association of College and Research Libraries’ Information Literacy Competency Standards
for Higher Education (2000) as well as a research study investigating
students’ use of sources in their scholarly writing across several
institutions. Moodle, the institution’s learning management system (LMS), was
used to develop the learning object.
Results – OU Libraries and the Writing Centre launched the six-part online
course entitled “Using and Citing Sources” in January 2012. They developed
modules around learning outcomes in five broad categories: defining academic
integrity and plagiarism; the use of sources in academic writing; paraphrasing;
quoting; and citation. The final module provided students with an opportunity
to practise lessons learned in the first five modules. The use of the LMS to
design and host the course limited the tutorial to registered students, but
provided developers with access to additional course functionality without
labour-intensive coding. It also allowed Writing Centre staff to access
students’ performance data on the modules prior to their appointments.
Improvements over the previous online tutorial included expanded content on
academic ethics and referencing, more active learning elements, video content,
and the opportunity for students to choose discipline-specific examples. In the
first four months of its availability, 1650 students completed the course, with
3330 attempts overall.
Conclusion – The diverse perspectives and expertise that individuals from OU
Libraries and the Writing Center brought to their collaboration greatly
informed the development of the course. The time and effort saved by using the
university’s existing LMS to develop interactive content and the focus on
providing students with opportunities for active learning within the course
contributed to the project’s success.
Plagiarism and teaching
students how to avoid it are issues academic librarians and their allies
continue to grapple with. The authors’ advice to look to outside partners in
educating students about academic integrity is well taken, particularly as many
libraries find themselves trying to do more with fewer resources. Designing
learning objects within a university’s existing LMS rather than expending the
time and money to build them from scratch is also a possibility other libraries
should consider.
The fact that this information
comes in the form of a case study does prove problematic for the critical
appraisal process. One of the most popular study designs for information
researchers, the case study has been a target for criticism in evidence based
library practice for the lack of rigour and positive bias many such studies
display (Eldredge, 2004; Glynn, 2006). As such, it is not surprising that case
studies score low on critical appraisal tools when compared to systematic
reviews or randomized controlled trials, and practitioners should keep this in
mind when weighing such evidence in their decision making process.
A general critical
appraisal tool, however, may fail to highlight best practices in those
circumstances where the case study may be the most appropriate study design. In
her discussion of quality improvement case studies in the medical sciences,
Greenhalgh (2010) offers a checklist of ten questions that writers and readers
of library case studies may find useful when considering the quality of the
research presented. Such studies in medicine, like many in library and
information science, are often tasked with detailing attempts to improve the
overall experience of the patient/client within a complex system of services.
Several questions stand out when considering the work of Greer et al. through
this lens. Greenhalgh writes, “Was the intended quality improvement evidence
based?” (192). While the authors of the study reference previous work on the
role of libraries in addressing questions of academic integrity and the role of
collaborations with other departments on campus in this work, little outside
evidence on best practices in designing online education is cited to support
the pedagogical decisions made. Greer et al. admit that the choice to deliver
the content online was for practical reasons (lack of face-to-face time with
students), but there are lessons to be drawn from the literature both within
and outside of our discipline on how to best go about this.
Greenhalgh also asks, “How
did the authors measure success and was this reasonable?” (p. 193). The only
evidence presented of student performance in the online course is the large
number of students (1650) who completed it in the first four months of its
availability. This figure does suggest that OU faculty saw value in the content
and were assigning it to their students, although more information on the size
and composition of the student body at the institution would provide readers
with a better sense of the scale of this achievement. The explanation provided
by the authors as to why an even larger number of students (3330) tried and
failed to complete the course is unsatisfying. For example, the large number of
unsuccessful attempts could point to problems with overall course design rather
than simply students’ desire for a higher score. Student performance data from
the individual modules is not provided, even though the study notes that that
this information is being collected and used internally to inform future
changes to the course. There is no mention of ethics clearance in the study, so
one possibility is that the authors did not have permission to release the
data. It would also have enriched the study had more information been included
as to how the previous online tutorial was assessed and found wanting.
The absence of such
assessment data, and the article’s focus on a description of the course’s
development rather than an analysis of its impact limits its overall value to
the rest of the library community. Improving students’ understanding of the
ethical issues around their use of information is a worthy goal, but it is not
yet clear that this course accomplishes what it sets out to do. There is an
indication that the authors’ future reporting on the project will include
measures of student performance and faculty feedback, and further details would
be welcomed by other libraries looking for ideas on how to best address issues
of academic integrity in their own institutions.
American Library Association (2000)
Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. Retrieved 1 May
2013 from http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/informationliteracycompetency
Eldredge, J. D. (2004). Inventory of research
methods for librarianship and informatics. Journal of the Medical Library Association, 92(1),
Glynn, L. (2006). A critical appraisal tool
for library and information research. Library Hi Tech, 24(3),
387-399. doi: 10.1108/07378830610692154
Greenhalgh, T. (2010). How to read a paper: The basics of
evidence-based medicine (4th ed.). Retrieved from ebrary.